
Fueling America Since 1957


Unlocking Energy Responsibly

Slawson Exploration has been a leader in responsible development of energy and fuel sources for 60 years. The company continues to find the new sources of fuel crucial to the country’s growth and security.

Through vetted industry practices, Slawson unlocks energy sources that provide commercial benefits to partner communities and helps drive the nation’s economy as a whole. A diverse fuel mix —including domestic oil and natural gas — provides American energy independence and allows more productivity and prosperity.

Beginning with its first strike in 1957 in Wichita, Kansas, Slawson has drilled more than 4,000 oil and gas wells in 10 states. The company helped pioneer development of the huge Bakken oil field in North Dakota and Montana, using advanced horizontal drilling techniques that were then new to the industry. Slawson drilled its first horizontal Bakken well in 1989, setting production records. The company remains active there, in California and across the Rockies as well as in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

Questions? Contact Slawson regarding:

    Leading the Way in Reduced Carbon Emissions

    Slawson became the first exploration company in North Dakota to use liquefied natural gas to run drilling rigs. Instead of trucking in propane, the company utilizes a product of abundant local natural gas reserves. Compared with diesel fuel, this approach reduces carbon emissions by 30 percent.

    Read more about LNG

    Hydraulic Fracturing Explained

    Hydraulic fracturing has been around for a long time. It was first used in a southwest Kansas well in 1947. Modern hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling has been in use since the 1990s.

    Learn how the process works

    Protecting Groundwater

    In the past decade, North Dakota grew from the nation’s ninth-largest oil producer to the second-largest. As a state that traditionally relies on agriculture to power its economy, North Dakota understandably keeps a close eye on its most precious resource: water. The agency charged with that oversight – the North Dakota Water Commission – reports that hydraulic fracturing poses no risk to contaminate the state’s groundwater resources.

    Find out why hydraulic fracturing doesn’t threaten groundwater

    Torpedo Project Information

    The Torpedo Project would continue our 40-year working relationship in the Williston Basin of North Dakota. Slawson’s drilling of 11 horizontal Bakken wells in Mountrail County would be from a single pad site to minimize the impact of the project on the surrounding community.

    Read about the specifics of the Torpedo Project


    Resource Center

    Fossil fuels provide the most power per acre of land, allowing more energy production with a smaller ecological footprint. Discover more ways America’s energy producers make lives better.